Class Schedule



We have another great addition! Please welcome Dillion to the Alliance Team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt

We have another great addition! Please welcome Dillion to the Alliance Team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt ...

15 0
We have another smiling face! Please welcome Jack to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions

We have another smiling face! Please welcome Jack to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions ...

17 0
We have another great addition! Please welcome Maema (@the.maema) to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt

We have another great addition! Please welcome Maema (@the.maema) to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt ...

32 1
It's always sad to see one of our own go, but we'll always be sure to send you with a smile! Unfortunately, Saturday was our last training session with Cody as he moves for work. Cody was with us from White to Blue belt and we're sure we'll see him in a gi again. Just know you're always welcome back on these mats and we'll miss you. We're happy for the time we got and hopefully our paths will cross again in the future. Until then, travel safe and stay awesome Cody! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #bluebelt #bigsmiles #alllove #teamsdontcareaboutzipcodes #prettysureprofessormikecried

It`s always sad to see one of our own go, but we`ll always be sure to send you with a smile! Unfortunately, Saturday was our last training session with Cody as he moves for work. Cody was with us from White to Blue belt and we`re sure we`ll see him in a gi again. Just know you`re always welcome back on these mats and we`ll miss you. We`re happy for the time we got and hopefully our paths will cross again in the future. Until then, travel safe and stay awesome Cody! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #bluebelt #bigsmiles #alllove #teamsdontcareaboutzipcodes #prettysureprofessormikecried ...

49 1
We have another level up! Please congratulate Steve on earning his first stripe on his white belt! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #firststripe #levelup #learning

We have another level up! Please congratulate Steve on earning his first stripe on his white belt! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #firststripe #levelup #learning ...

18 0
We have another great addition! Please welcome Madelyn to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt #womensbjj #womensselfdefense

We have another great addition! Please welcome Madelyn to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt #womensbjj #womensselfdefense ...

23 0
We've got a two-fer! Please congratulate these on both their level ups! Matt earned his 2nd stripe on his purple belt and Vince earned his 1st stripe on his purple belt. They're both great training partners and are awesome people on and off the mats! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #purplebelt #theseguysdontskipwarmups #iknowright #greattrainingpartners

We`ve got a two-fer! Please congratulate these on both their level ups! Matt earned his 2nd stripe on his purple belt and Vince earned his 1st stripe on his purple belt. They`re both great training partners and are awesome people on and off the mats! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #purplebelt #theseguysdontskipwarmups #iknowright #greattrainingpartners ...

49 5
We have another level up! Please congratulate Matt on earning his first stripe on his white belt! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions

We have another level up! Please congratulate Matt on earning his first stripe on his white belt! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions ...

15 0
We have another great addition! Please welcome Ben to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions

We have another great addition! Please welcome Ben to the Alliance team! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions ...

19 0
Hey everybody! In case you haven't noticed recently.. It's pretty freaking cold outside! We've had a few people call to ask and yes we are open and all of our normal classes are as scheduled. As always when we face inclement weather, please use your best judgement. If you can safely get here and safely get home then by all means we will be happy to see you in. If not, we'll catch up with you when things look better. Make sure you bundle up warm and have extra warm materials in your car. You don't want frostbite to set you back on your goals for 2025! #Madisonwi #madisonwisconsin #madisongym #powerlifting #strongman #fitness #gym #crossfit #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions
#itscold #staysafe #staywarm #bundleup #howisitthiscold #canitpleasebewednesday

Hey everybody! In case you haven`t noticed recently.. It`s pretty freaking cold outside! We`ve had a few people call to ask and yes we are open and all of our normal classes are as scheduled. As always when we face inclement weather, please use your best judgement. If you can safely get here and safely get home then by all means we will be happy to see you in. If not, we`ll catch up with you when things look better. Make sure you bundle up warm and have extra warm materials in your car. You don`t want frostbite to set you back on your goals for 2025! #Madisonwi #madisonwisconsin #madisongym #powerlifting #strongman #fitness #gym #crossfit #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions
#itscold #staysafe #staywarm #bundleup #howisitthiscold #canitpleasebewednesday

8 0
Sometimes you move your opponent and sometimes you move around your opponent! Here's a cool action shot of our spider guard lesson from the other night. This guard is very versatile and is useful against kneeling and standing opponents. It's something we begin to learn in our Fundamentals classes and expand in our Intermediate and Advanced classes. If you want to figure out how to move people like a puppet with your feet then stop in for a trial class or lesson soon. We'll be happy to teach you how! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #fundamentals #fundamentalsatahighlevelarestillfundamentals #fundamentalsarethefoundation #haveagoodfoundation #spiderguard #letmeputmyfeetonyou

Sometimes you move your opponent and sometimes you move around your opponent! Here`s a cool action shot of our spider guard lesson from the other night. This guard is very versatile and is useful against kneeling and standing opponents. It`s something we begin to learn in our Fundamentals classes and expand in our Intermediate and Advanced classes. If you want to figure out how to move people like a puppet with your feet then stop in for a trial class or lesson soon. We`ll be happy to teach you how! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #fundamentals #fundamentalsatahighlevelarestillfundamentals #fundamentalsarethefoundation #haveagoodfoundation #spiderguard #letmeputmyfeetonyou ...

30 1
Another level up! Please congratulate Zach on earning his first stripe on his white belt! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt #firststripe #lookatthatknot #thisguyknowshowtotieabelt

Another level up! Please congratulate Zach on earning his first stripe on his white belt! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #whitebelt #firststripe #lookatthatknot #thisguyknowshowtotieabelt ...

22 1