Throwback Tuesday! Last week we held a testing day for our four stripe white belts looking to add some color around their waist. If you haven't seen our previous post, everyone who took the test, passed! That doesn't indicate the test was easy, but that they all knew their material and were able to demonstrate it! We'll be sharing individual photos of people receiving their blue belts, but as you can see we were pretty ecstatic about how everyone did! Again, good work to those who took a step up last week! Congratulations blue belts! #Allianceeusou #Madisonbjj #Bjjmadison #Madisonwi #Madisonwisconsin #Bjj #alliancebjj #everydayporrada #championsmadebychampions #bluebelt #bluebelttest #selfdefense #theygrowupsofast #dontchangetheformula ...